1 – (re)Intro to Online Safety

🎯 Learning Objectives

Develop the Information Technology learning strand:

  • Discuss the main safety concerns of being online
  • Introduce key concepts that will be discussed in this topic
  • Reflect on your own online activity from a safety perspective
πŸ’¬ Key Vocabulary

  • big data
  • censorship
  • data analytics
  • the Dark Web
  • digital personality
  • encryption
  • fake news
  • filter bubble
  • malware
  • obscene content
  • online hate crime
  • online reputation
  • personally identifiable information (PII)
  • phishing scam
  • right to access
  • right to privacy
  • targeted advertising
  • virtual private network (VPN)

πŸ“ Starter Activity – Key Words

  • How many of these words to do with online safety can you define?
  • Download the worksheet below and fill out as may definitions as you can, don’t worry if your not sure, give it your best guess.

πŸ“ Activity 1 – Sorting Exercise

From the keywords in the previous exercise, how many are online safety threats?

For each threat, is it:

  • A form of data theft or data misuse?
  • Illegal or legal?
  • A common occurrence, or quite rare?
  • Something that has happened to you, or something that hasn’t happened to you before?
  • Something you can protect yourself from, or something you can’t protect yourself from?

Download the Activity 1 worksheet below and use it to sort the keywords from the previous exercise into the various boxes.

πŸ“ Activity 2 – Using the Internet

Get into pairs.

What do you use the internet for?
In your pairs, list as many ways as you can in which you (or someone else) might use the internet.

We will discuss as a class what each pair has listed. You have 5 minutes.

How does using the internet expose you to online safety threats?

  • For each of the different internet activities your pair came up with, list any potential online safety threats that the activity exposes you to.
  • The example shows the threats that using email can expose you to:
How can you protect yourself online?

  • Now list any precautions you take when you are online to protect yourself from the online safety threats you identified?
  • Check the example for ideas.

πŸ“ Activity 3 – Questionnaire

  • How confident are you in your knowledge of online safety?
  • Fill out the questionnaire by clicking the download link below. There are no wrong answers, so answer honestly.
  • Use the highlight tool in Word to select an answer.

In this lesson, you…

  • Started thinking about your online activities from a safety perspective

Next lesson, you will…

  • Consider your online reputation, how it might be threatened, and how to protect it

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