eSafety Homework

📝 Lesson 1 – An Introduction to Online Safety

Over the next week, keep a log of any online safety threats you encounter.

These could be something that…

  • Happened to you
  • Happened to someone else
  • You read about in the news

📝 Lesson 2 – Online Reputation

How aware are you of your online reputation?

  • Google yourself to see how big your internet presence is
  • Make a list of all the websites you have accounts on

Can you improve the security of your online reputation?

  • Implement some of the defences we have discussed today in class

Write a paragraph explaining what you have learnt about your reputation.

📝 Lesson 3 – Fake News

Write a news article about fake news.
In your article, explain:

  • Why fake news is created
  • Why fake news is harmful
  • How to spot fake news
  • What can be done to stop fake news