💬 How to Use
The virtual library is full of extra resources such as tutorials, ideas, books, articles and videos. They cover each of the topics you do in class, as well as some you don’t. If you love Computer Science or want to find out more about something then use this library to help you.
🐍 1 – Introduction to Python
This topic covers the basics of the Python programming language. You will use this language throughout Year 8 and 9 and if you choose Computer Science for GCSE it will form a very important part of the skills you need to get a good grade.
Learn Python Website
Hopefully you have learnt the basics of Python in class, however if there are areas you would like to cover again or you want to go further and find out more then you can check out this website: https://www.learnpython.org/
It has interactive tutorials on all the areas of the programming language that you need to know about.
Scientific Computing with Python
Python is one of the most popular, flexible programming languages today. You can use it for everything from basic scripting to machine learning.
In the Scientific Computing with Python Certification, you’ll learn Python fundamentals like variables, loops, conditionals, and functions. Then you’ll quickly ramp up to complex data structures, networking, relational databases, and data visualization.
Learn Python – Full Course for Beginners Video Tutorials
This set of video tutorials starts how to install Python on your computer at home and then guides you through all the aspects you need to know.
💡 2 – Problem Solving
This topic looks at how we can use problem solving techniques used in Computer Science to solve all kinds of problems. By using abstraction, decomposition and identifying patterns nearly all problems can made easier to understand and solve.
How anyone can use computer science principles to solve everyday problems
Computer science teaches a problem-solving paradigm that can be very useful for finding innovative solutions to everyday challenges. Based on his own experience of inventing the world’s first non-invasive flu vaccine, Virji tells us how he used computer science to identify a problem, tailor a solution to those who needed it most, and recognize when he needed to think out-of-the-box.
Problem Solve Like a Computer Programmer
Computers are stupid. From this strong opening statement, Kyle explores how thinking through a problem like a computer programmer can help you in your work and your everyday life. He shows how to properly define a problem with a step by step computer science demonstration and through his personal journey of self-improvement.
Extra Flowol Activities
Try out some extra Flowol activities here:
🗄️ 3 – Databases
SQL Murder Mystery
SQL or Structured Query Language is the language used by developers to create and interact with databases in the real world. Go to this link to solve a murder mystery using SQL commands.
Lost at SQL
You are lost at sea and need to escape your sinking ship, use SQL to solve the puzzles.
Select Star SQL (SQL Tutorial)
“This is an interactive book which aims to be the best place on the internet for learning SQL. It is free of charge, free of ads and doesn’t require registration or downloads. It helps you learn by running queries against a real-world dataset to complete projects of consequence. It is not a mere reference page — it conveys a mental model for writing SQL.
I expect little to no coding knowledge. Each chapter is designed to take about 30 minutes. As more of the world’s data is stored in databases, I expect that this time will pay rich dividends!”
🤖 4 – AI
This topic covers artificial intelligence, it’s origins, where it is now and the possibilities going into the future.
AI Experiments with Google
Google has a collection of AI experiments that explores machine learning, through pictures, drawings, language, music, and more.
How many robots does it take to run a grocery store?
In Ocado’s grocery warehouses, thousands of mechanical boxes move on the Hive. Are they all individual robots? Or is this one giant hive mind?
Magic Sketchpad
Draw things with machines! Every time you lift your pen up, a machine learning algorithm tries to finish that stroke and match the category you’ve selected. Try drawing multiple categories on the same page!
Click here to have a go: https://magic-sketchpad.glitch.me/
AI Dungeon
Play and create adventures with infinite possibilities, brought to life with one of the most advanced AIs in the world. You can do and say anything in these virtual stories set in fantastical or sci-fi worlds, see how the AI storyteller deals with your actions and moves the story on.
🖥️ 5 – How Computers Work
In this topic you investigated different layers of computing systems:
- From programs and the operating system
- To the physical components that function together as a system to execute these programs
- To the fundamental binary building blocks that these components consist of
The Little Man Computer
This is the ‘little man computer’, or LMC. It’s an instructional model of a computer, created in 1965. It models a simple Von Neumann architecture, with all the basic features of a modern computer. We can program the LMC using ‘machine code’. Machine code is normally binary numbers that represent instructions to the computer. However, with the LMC, we use denary numbers.
Use the buttons below to download a help sheet and go to a website that has guides on how you can use this to see in depth how computers work.
How Computers Work: Demystifying Computation
This course is free and is actually meant for teachers to show them how to teach this topic! But if you want to know more than just basics then this course is for you.
You’ll explore system architecture, along with how computers use binary and logic. Once you’ve examined the von Neumann model of computer architecture and the Fetch-Execute cycle, you’ll learn to build a range of simple circuits for maths, and then simulate various logic gates.
Ultimately you’ll complete the course with an understanding of the processes that underpin every modern computer – from supercomputers to smartphones, and everything in between.
Computer Basics
This website has lots of tutorials all about computers, we would recommend that you look at sections 1-9 as this gives you a very good insight into what kinds of computers there are, what they are like inside and the software that can run on them.
📱 6 – App Development
This unit took you from designer to project manager to developer in order to create your own mobile app. You worked in pairs to consider the needs of the user; decompose the project into smaller, more manageable parts; use the pair programming approach to develop your app together; and finish off by evaluating the success of the project against the needs of the user.
Android Development for Beginners – Full Course
Learn how to develop an android app from scratch in this full course for beginners. No prior programming experience required!
Develop Apps for iOS
Learn the basics of Xcode, SwiftUI, and UIKit to create native apps for iOS.

🦺 eSafety
Learn how to report and block offensive users and messages on different apps:
- Snapchat: www.snapchat.com/safety
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/safety/tools
- Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/285881641526716
- Twitter: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20169998
For more help
Childline: Call 0800 11 11 or chat with a counsellor online – For anonymous support and advice on dealing with cyberbullying and other issues – www.childline.org.uk
The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Campaign: A charity that helps people get involved to tackle all forms of bullying – www.antibullyingpro.com
True vision: If you receive hateful messages or a crime has been committed against you because of your race, sexuality or disability, this could be considered a hate crime. This is illegal and can be reported to the police through True Vision – www.report-it.org.uk
YoungMinds: This website has lots of information for young people about their wellbeing and mental health, and also has information for teachers and parents – www.youngminds.org.uk
Contact the police if the messages you receive pose a threat to your personal safety. Remember a death threat online is illegal.