🎯 Learning Objectives
Develop the Programming and Development, Algorithms Learning Strands:
- Use iteration (
loops) to control the flow of program execution - Use variables as counters in iterative programs
💬 Key Vocabulary
- Iteration
- selection
- conditions
- counting
- execution
- walk-through
🔎 Round and Round
Last lesson, you…
- Explore how selection can handle more than two possible branches
- Use iteration (while statements) to allow the flow of program execution to include loops
In this lesson, you will…
- Use iteration (while statements) to allow the flow of program execution to include loops
- Use variables as counters
📝 Activity 1 – Count
- What will this extended program display when it is executed?
- Use your worksheet to answer.
- Then, move on to the rest of the tasks.

📝 Activity 2 – Times Table

- Start from the program above using the repl.it below.
- Complete the tasks in your worksheet to build a more complete times tables practice game.
In this lesson, you…
- Used iteration (while statements) to allow the flow of program execution to include loops
- Used variables as counters
Next lesson, you will…
- Apply what you’ve learnt and use iteration even more!
- Take a quiz, to assess what you’ve learnt
🏅 Badge it
🥈 Silver Badge
- Complete the Activity 1 – Count worksheet
- Upload the worksheets with a screenshot of your code for Task in the worksheet to bournetolearn.com.
🥇 Gold Badge
- Complete Activity 2 – Task 1 – A Practice Question and Explorer Task 1 – Measure Performance and upload a screenshot of your code to bournetolearn.com.
🥉 Platinum Badge
- Complete Explorer Task 2 – Measure performance and Explorer task 3 – The User Sets the Limits and upload a screenshot of your code to bournetolearn.com.