2 – Sexting

🎯 Learning Objectives

Develop the Information Technology learning strand:

  • Understand the pressures on young people to send naked pictures (sexts)
  • Give advice to others to avoid sending a sext
  • Understand the possible consequences of sending a sext, including the legal consequences
  • Discuss if girls have a (more) negative experience online
💬 Key Vocabulary

  • sexting
  • bystander
  • consequences
  • pressures
  • consent

📝 Starter Activity – What do you think?

“Girls have a more negative experience online”

Speak to the person beside you: do you agree, do you disagree? Why?

📝 Activity 1 – Just send it

Watch the video below and then answer the questions below it by yourself.

  1. Is this film realistic? Could a similar situation happen in this school?
  2. The title of this toolkit is ‘Crossing the Line.’ In this film, where do you think the line was crossed?
  3. Why does Josh mention possible involvement from the police at the end of the film? Who do you think broke the law in this film?

Peer Pressure and Consent

  1. Abi was reluctant at first to send the image to Josh. What made her change her mind?
  2. Why did Josh ask for the photo? Did he feel any pressure to have images like this?
  3. Did Abi give consent for her photo to be shared around the school? In this situation, who is more at fault – Josh, Abi or Brandon? Anyone else?
  4. Do you think Josh respected Abi? How can you tell if someone respects you?
  5. Some of the comments under Abi’s photo are quite mean. None of them seem to portray Josh in a negative light. Do you think there are different standards between boys and girls: if a guys sends the picture around or if a girl does?
  6. Abi receives a naked picture of Josh first. What would happen if Abi decided to share this picture around to others?
  7. What do you think of the comment that Eve makes when she says, “Gotta keep your man happy”? Is this how girls can feel; that they must keep their boyfriends or friends happy?

Taking Action

  1. Instead of sharing the naked photo, what could Abi have done to let Josh know that although she likes him, she doesn’t want to send him a nude photo?
  2. When she discovered the picture had been shared around, Abi didn’t want to go to school. She eventually told her mum, but who else could she have spoken to about her situation?
  3. What could the other characters have done to help Abi?
  4. What do you think happens next in the film? What happens when Abi goes back to school? What happens when Abi meets Josh for the first time? Would Abi want to meet Josh again?

📝 Activity 2 – How to help Abi

  • In groups of three, use the images below to devise the response Abi should have written back to Josh in response for the naked picture, and the conversation she may have had with her friend Jenna about it.
  • You should copy the images into your Word document and then fill in the blanks below the images.
What should Abi’s response to Josh be?
What advice should Jenna give Abi?

📝 Activity 3 – ‘What does the law say?’

  1. Answer the quiz using Microsoft Forms below by yourself, to the best of your knowledge. (3 minutes)
  2. Then, check your answers with the person beside you. (2 minutes)
  3. In pairs read through the laws that can be found under the quiz and see what you got right and wrong.

Click here ONLY when you have answered the questions

📝 Activity 4 – Moral thermometer: where is the line?

You will need to vote ‘I agree’, ‘I disagree’ or ‘It depends’. Your teacher will read out some controversial statements and you need to vote for the option that best reflects how you feel about that statement.

Reminder: Your teacher may ask you to explain your position and why.

Go to quizizz.com and enter the code your teacher will give you to be able to vote.

📝 Plenary

📖 Signposting

For more help
Call 0800 11 11 or chat with a counsellor online – For anonymous support and advice on dealing with cyberbullying and other issues – www.childline.org.uk
CEOP: If you suspect another student is being groomed online, you can report this to CEOP – www.thinkuknow.co.uk
YoungMinds: This website has lots of information for young people about their wellbeing and mental health, and also has information for teachers and parents – www.youngminds.org.uk

So you got naked online: A resource from the South West Grid for Learning that details steps that should be taken if a student has already sent a sexually explicit photo. Click here to access the resource.

In this lesson, you…

  • Understood the pressures on young people to send naked pictures (sexts)
  • Gave advice to others to avoid sending a sext
  • Understood the possible consequences of sending a sext, including the legal consequences
  • Discussed if girls have a (more) negative experience online

Next lesson, you will…

  • Look at the problem of peer pressure, how to spot it and how to deal with it if you or a friend is affected by it.

🏅 Badge it

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🥇 Gold Badge

🥉 Platinum Badge

  • Complete Activity 3 – What does the law say? and upload a screenshot of the completed Microsoft Form to www.bournetolearn.com.