Learning Objectives
Developing Data & Data Representation and Information Technology learning strands, specifically:
- Understand that computer databases are much quicker to search than paper databases.
- Know how to perform simple database searches/queries.
- Be able to use operators to perform complex database searches.
Key Vocabulary
- Database
- Table
- Field
- Query
- Record
Starter Activity – Searching a “paper” database
- Download the Starter Activity below and search the “paper” database manually by following the tasks.
Database Query
What is a Query?
- Something which helps you search for information stored within a database.
- You use Queries to extract Information based on criteria.
Silver Badge – Simple Queries
What is a Simple Query?
- Simple queries require only basic criteria in order to perform the search.
- The following are examples of simple queries:
- A role of
Super Hero
- Number of powers is
- Ability 2 is
- Here is a reminder of the operators you can use in your searches
Mathematical Operators
Operator Symbol | Descripton |
> | More Than or After |
< | Less Than or Before |
>= | More Than or Equal To |
<= | Less Than or Equal To |
Logical Operators
Operator Symbol | Description |
Between And | Between 1980 And 2000 |
Or | January Or April |
Not | Used to exclude data – Not Male |
- Download the worksheet and use the operators above to complete the worksheet.
- Then upload it to the Silver badge task on Bourne to Learn.
Gold Badge – Complex Queries
What is a Complex Query?
- Complex queries give you more control over what you are searching for. They are especially useful for numbers.
- The following are examples of complex queries:
- Characters with
Between 3 And 7
powers - Characters that cost
less than $350
to insure - Characters with an ability 1 of
Acrobatics OR Intelligence
- Download the worksheet and complete it.
- Then upload it to the Gold badge task on Bourne to Learn.
Platinum Badge – Super Complex Queries
- Download the worksheet and use the operator information below to complete the worksheet.
- Then upload it to the Platinum badge task on Bourne to Learn.
Super Complex Operators
Operator Symbol | Description |
Like * * | Contains the word between the ** – Like *kite* |
Like a* | Fields starting with a |
Like *a | Fields ending with a |
Null | Used to display fields that contain no data |
“?????” | Used to search fields for particular number of characters (in this case 5) |
Keywords – Definitions
Database – collection of data or information that has been stored in an organised way.
Field – one type or one piece of information.
Record – all the data about a person or an object.
Table – collection of the database’s fields and records.
Query – A set of instructions on how to search a database.
In this lesson, you…
- Learnt that computer databases are much quicker to search than paper databases.
- Saw how to perform simple database searches/queries.
- Are now able to use operators to perform complex database searches.
In the next lesson, you will…
- Know what is required in order to setup a database from scratch.
- Be able to setup a database independently with the purpose of storing student information.
Badge it
Silver Badge
- Upload your completed Simple Searches worksheet to the Silver badge task on Bourne to Learn.
Gold Badge
- Upload your completed Complex Searches worksheet to the Gold badge task on Bourne to Learn.
Platinum Badge
- Upload your completed Super Complex Searches worksheet to the Platinum badge task on Bourne to Learn.