Welcome to Y12

đź“– Intro Tasks

So that you have an idea of the knowledge you need to start the course and we can see how much you know you will be completing the transition booklet below over your first two weeks here.

The work will be set formally using the Satchel:One app but below you can see an outline of what you will be expected to do and by when. Remember that the 6th Form homework policy is that you should complete 300 minutes of homework per fortnight per subject.

If you do not have the desktop version of PowerPoint at home then you should upload this file to the online version of PowerPoint that you have as part of your school account. Go to https://www.office.com and log in with your school email and password and then upload the file there. You can then edit the file on any device with a web browser, including your phone.

Section12A Due Date12D Due Date
3 – Independent research07/09/2307/09/23
4 – What is “computational thinking”?11/09/2311/09/23
5 – Key terms13/09/2314/09/23
6 – An introduction to the basics of programming15/09/2318/09/23
7 – Critical thinking 19/09/2319/09/23
8 – Applying technical knowledge in context21/09/2321/09/23
9 – Systems architecture25/09/2325/09/23
10 – Memory27/09/2328/09/23
11 – Storage29/09/2302/10/23
12 – Networks03/10/2303/10/23
13 – System software05/10/2305/10/23
14 – Computational logic09/10/2309/10/23
15/16 – Binary11/10/2312/10/23
17 – Linear search programming13/10/2313/10/23