
1 Propaganda

Learn It

  • Open a Word document to make notes on the following:
  • List of 5 different ways you could find out the latest news.
  • Which is your preferred source of information?
  • In pairs, make a list of the different ways to access the news.
  • Rank your examples in order of preferred source of information.
  • Why did you pick that order?
  • What is the difference between the information in a blog and the evening news on TV?
  • Is a Youtube first-hand account video more effective than a news report? Why or why


Learn It: What is propaganda?

  • Watch the video below:
  • After watching the video on propaganda discuss the following questions with the person next to you, then record your thoughts in a Word document:


  1. What do we mean by the term propaganda?
  2. How might an organisation try and change your beliefs?
  3. What's their motive for doing this?
  4. Their are a number of ways this can be carried out:
    • The bandwagon: "Everyone else is doing it"
    • Passing the blame: "This is all their fault. Everything was fine until they came along"
    • Youth speak: "Tell us how you feel about student loans in 3 emojis"
    • Bold statements: "If you do/buy this, your life will be better"
    • Association: "If this celebrity does it, it must be good. You should do it too"
    • Lesser of two evils: Convincing you to make a bad decision by comparing it to something worse.
    • Omission: "I’ll give you the full story, except I will just take out the most important part"
  5. Which techniques are being used here?

assoc.png Nike_Shoes.png youth.png iphone.png prop2.png

Learn It: Social Media Propaganda

  1. Why might someone not give you the full picture?
    • To sell you something?
    • To hide something from you?
    • To make you do something?
    • To influence or change your views and beliefs?
    • Propaganda can be used by anyone!
    • It can be found in advertising or political campaigns.
    • It can also be found on social media.
  2. What might be the motivation for these tweets about a "Pop Factor" finalist?
  3. Add these to your notes!

pop1.png pop2.png pop3.png

  • What about these?

pop4.png pop5.png

2 Badge Tasks

  • Right click here to save the word doc to your home drive.
  • Open the word doc and answer the three questions.

Badge It - Silver

Learning strand: Information Technology

  • Answer all questions in the worksheet with sufficient details and reasonably good English.

Badge It - Gold

Learning strand: Information Technology

  • Answer all questions in the worksheet with good details and good English.

Badge It - Platinum

Learning strand: Information Technology

  • Answer all questions in the worksheet with good details and excellent English.

Adapted from the superb resources at