Python Key Skills - 2

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1 Python Key Skills 2

Learn It - for loops and while loops

  • The purpose of loops is to repeat a set of commands or a block of code

for loops

  • for loops are normally used to repeat a set of commands for a specific known number of times.
for i in range(5):
    print("Hello world!")
  • the above code will print out "Hello world!" 5 times with i starting from 0, increasing each loop by 1, up to 4.
  • the range is a Python built-in function that produce a series of numbers.

while loops

  • while loops are normally used to repeat a set of commands until certain condition(s) are no longer true.
  • Example while loop 1:
while i < 5:
    print("Hello world!")
    i = i + 1
  • Example while loop 2:
hungry = True
while hungry:
    print("I need eat more.")
    answer = input("Are you still hungry?(Y/N)")
    if answer == "N":
       hungry = False
  • The above loop will end if the user input "N", which changes the hungry variable to "False". This means, the condition is not true anymore.

Learn It - check if a whole number is even or odd

  • We know from maths that all even numbers can be divisible by 2. In other words, any even number, when divided by 2, the reminder should be 0 - no reminder.
  • In Python, we have learned that the reminder operator is %. For example: 24%2 = 0; 25%2=1; 1%2=1 etc
  • So if the reminder is 0 when divided by 2, then the number is even.
myNum = int(input("Please give me a whole number: "))

if myNum % 2 == 0:
   print("The number you game to me is an even number")
   print("The number you game to me is an odd number")