AQA A NEA Work Submission Deadlines

Table of Contents

1 Submission Deadlines for Each Section


  • You MUST discuss your project idea with me before starting your critical path.
  • You are expected to submit your written work or coding at the end of each day on the specified dates for each deadline by creating a pull request on guthub.
  • You MUST ensure you have followed the guidelines AND the marking scheme carefully and you are indeed confident that you have covered all key areas for that section.
  • You are expected to spell check all your written work.
  • I AM NOT allowed to tell you how to improve. I will highlight the marking scheme on your project log.

Dates for each section

section Date
Analysis 18/10/19, Friday
Documented Design 20/12/19, Friday
Technical Solution 03/04/20, Friday
Test 03/04/20, Friday
Evaluation 03/04/20, Friday