Touring Turing

1 Homework

Homework 1

  • Note: The answers to all these questions can be obtained from the week 1 notes.
  • What symbol do we use for assigning a value to a variable?
  • What symbol do we place around text when storing it in a variable?
  • What is wrong with each of these variable names?
    • 4myBirthday
    • For My Birthday
    • ForMyBirthday!
  • Name three different data types in Python.
  • What does the % operator do in Python?
  • Answers to be submitted for the homework 1 badge on BourneToLearn.

Homework 2

  • What would be the result of the following sets of code?
# Question 1. Keeping the doctor at bay.
apples = 2
days = 365
annualApples = apples * days

# Question 2. Leftovers.
daysInYear = 365
daysInWeek = 7
weeksinYear = daysInYear // daysInWeek
whatsLeft = daysInYear % daysInWeek

# Question 3. On the up.
a = 5
b = 10
c = 2
a = a + 1
a = a + 1

print (a)
print(b + c)
# Question 4. As I was going to St. Ives...
man = 1
wives = 7
sacks = 7
cats = 7
kittens = 7
goingToStIves = man + wives + (wives * sacks) + (wives * sacks * cats) + (wives * sacks * cats * kittens)

  • Answers to be submitted for the homework 2 badge on BourneToLearn.

Homework 3

  • What outputs do the following sets of code produce?
# Quick calculation.
numberA = 42
numberB = 3.142
yourAnswer = 100

if numberA + numberB >= yourAnswer:
    print("That's interesting.")
    print("Good effort.")
# Cool calculator
yearsOld = 12
daysOld = 365.25 * yearsOld

if daysOld > 7300:
    print("You are really old")
elif daysOld > 5000:
    print("You're getting on a bit")
    print("You're young and happening!")

print("Thank you for playing")
# Poorly scored quiz...
score = 0
capitalEngland = "London"
capitalAustralia = "Sydney"
capitalFrance = "Paris"

if capitalEngland == "London" or capitalEngland == "LONDON":
    score += 1

if capitalAustralia == "Canberra" and capitalFrance == "Paris":
    score +=2

print("You scored: " + str(score))
# The drinks machine
wantsTea = True
wantsSugar = False
wantsMilk = True

if wantsTea == True:
    if wantsSugar == True:
	if wantsMilk == True:
	    print("Drink A")
	    print("Drink B.")
	if wantsMilk == True:
	    print("Drink C")
	    print("Drink D")
    print("Drink E")
# Used car value calculator...
carMake = "Morris"
newPrice = 4000
condition = "Good"

if carMake == "Fjord" or carMake = "Austin":
    discount = 0.8
elif carMake == "Morris:"
    discount = 0.5
    discount = 0.75

usedPrice = newPrice * discount

if condition == "Excellent":
    discount = 0.8
elif condition == "Good" or condition == "Fair":
    discount = 0.75
    discount = 0.5

usedPrice = usedPrice * discount
print("It's worth £" + str(usedPrice))
  • Answers to be submitted as a text file, uploaded into the homework 3 badge on BourneToLearn.