🎯 Learning Objectives
Develop the Communication and Networks Learning Strands:
- Recognise examples of where large data sets are used in daily life
- Select criteria and use a data set to investigate prediction
- Evaluate findings to support argument in favour or against your prediction
💬 Key Vocabulary
- Data
- visualisation
- insight
- prediction
- outliers
- criteria
📝 Starter Activity – Tracking the traffic

What do the different colours on this visualisation represent?
What data is needed to show you this visualisation?
How do you think this data is collected?
📝 Large data sets
Advances in technology have made it more feasible to collect, store, and analyse data on a much larger scale.
Let’s consider how a company such as Netflix collects data.
Watch the video.
What other companies can you think of that might collect large sets of data?
How do you think they use this data to help them make decisions?
Silver/Gold/Platinum – Where’s the best place to live?
We are going to look at a large data set that compares countries across the world, in order to help us work out the answer to the following question:
Where is the best place in the world to live?

Best place to live: criteria
Most of us like the idea of living somewhere like in this picture, but would it really be the best place to spend the rest of your life?

Pick three to four of the following criteria:
- Life expectancy
- Average income/wealth
- Health
- Average temperature
- Inequality
- Unemployment levels Population density
- Freedom of speech (civil liberties)
- Crime (murders per 100,000 people)
- CO2 emissions
Proving our theory: Gapminder
We will use a data visualisation tool called Gapminder to help us decide where the best place to live is, based on the criteria that you set.
Use your criteria to investigate your prediction.
Document your findings on your worksheet by following the instructions on it.
Watch this video to see how it works:
In this lesson, you…
Explored examples of where large data sets are used in everyday life
Selected criteria to determine where the best place in the world is to live and used a data set to investigate your prediction
Next lesson, you will…
Look at the terms correlation and outliers in relation to data trends
Use the steps of an investigative cycle to help us find answers to a question or problem using data
🏅 Badge it
- Upload the worksheet, complete two graphs for silver.
- Complete all three graphs for gold.
- Complete the explorer tasks for platinum.