🎯 Learning Objectives
Develop the Algorithms Learning Strands:
- Apply the problem solving process to approach a variety of problems
- Assess how well-defined a problem is and use strategies to define the problem more precisely
💬 Key Vocabulary
- define
- prepare
- try
- reflect
- iterate
- identify
- communicate
- computational thinking
- collaborate
💭 Starter Activity
- Think of the silliest problem the problem solving process could help with.
- Be prepared to say how each step of the process could apply.

❓ Question of the Day
How can we apply the problem solving process to many different kinds of problems?
⚾ Activity 1 – Maze
Get into pairs to solve the maze, follow the instructions on the activity guide which can be downloaded from the link below.
Try to use the steps of the problem solving process:
- Define
- Prepare
- Try
- Reflect

🏃 Activity 2 – Partner Relay Race
In your groups, read the Partner Race Relay problem.
Before starting the problem, try thinking about how to use the steps of the problem solving process.
- Define
- Prepare
- Try
- Reflect

🎲 Activity 3 – Make a Game
In groups, start by choosing goals:
- What are the most important things about your game?
- Write your goals in the left column
Think about how to use the problem solving process while planning the event.
- Define
- Prepare
- Try
- Reflect
Once you have an initial plan, share with another group.
- Adjust your design based on the feedback you receive

📝 Reflect – Understanding the Problem Solving Process
In the final section of your activity guide, reflect on how you used the steps of the problem solving process for each problem.
- Define
- Prepare
- Try
- Reflect
For each step in the problem solving process…
- What is its purpose?
- Why is it included?
Are there any kinds of problems that the problem solving process is particularly helpful at solving?

💭 Plenary
We saw today that without a well-defined problem the rest of the problem solving process is difficult to follow.
What are some questions or strategies we can use to help us better understand and define problems before we try to solve them?
❓ Question of the Day
How can we apply the problem solving process to many different kinds of problems?
In this lesson, you…
- Applied the problem solving process to approach a variety of problems
- Assessed how well-defined a problem is and use strategies to define the problem more precisely
Next lesson, you will…
- Learn how to use flowcharts to illustrate the flow of the problem solving process.
- Use decomposition to break a problem down into more manageable chunks.
🏅 Badge it
🥈 Silver Badge
- Upload your activity guide with the Maze activity completed along with the problem solving process steps taken to www.bournetolearn.com.
🥇 Gold Badge
- Upload your activity guide with the Partner Relay Race activity completed along with the problem solving process steps taken.
🥉 Platinum Badge
- Upload your activity guide with the Make a Game activity completed along with the problem solving process steps taken.