🎯 Learning Objectives
Develop the Algorithms Learning Strands:
- Given a problem, identify individual actions that would fall within each step of the problem solving process
- Identify useful strategies within each step of the problem solving process
💬 Key Vocabulary
- define
- prepare
- try
- reflect
- iterate
- identify
- communicate
- computational thinking
- collaborate
📝 Starter Activity
- We use the term “problem” to refer to lots of different situations.
- Brainstorm as many different kinds of problems as you can and be ready to share with the class.

💭 Question of the Day
What are some common steps we can use to solve many different types of problems?
📖 Main Activity – The Problem Solving Process
- Watch the video on the problem solving process, then think about the two questions below.
- How did you follow the problem solving process in the last lesson?
- How could you use this process on a problem in your everyday life?
📖 The Problem Solving Process
- Define
- What problem are you trying to solve?
- What are your constraints?
- What does success look like?
- Prepare
- Brainstorm / research possible solutions
- Compare pros and cons
- Make a plan
- Try
- Put your plan into action
- Reflect
- How do your results compare to the goals you set while defining the problem?
- What can you learn from this or do better next time?
- What new problems have you discovered?

📝 Tower Building Challenge
- Think about the tower building challenge you did last lesson
- Which parts of that activity were part of the following steps?
- Define
- Prepare
- Try
- Reflect
- What strategies did you use in solving this problem that could help you solve other problems?
- Share with your neighbour once you’re done
Click the button below to download your activity guide for this lesson and complete the first section on the tower building activity from last lesson.
📝 What are you good at?
- Think about a type of problem you are good at solving
- Write down which parts of your process fit into these steps in the activity guide
- Define
- Prepare
- Try
- Reflect
- What strategies did you use in solving this problem that could help you solve other problems?
- Share with your neighbour once you’re done

📝 What do you and your partner want to get better at?
- Get in pairs with your neighbour
- Think about a type of problem both you and your partner want to get better at solving
- Write down strategies or steps you would take to solve this problem using the problem solving process in your activity guide
- Define
- Prepare
- Try
- Reflect
- Share with your neighbour once you’re done

📝 Problem Solving Process Poster
Using the information you have learnt and written about so far, make a poster that shows the problem solving process.
- Make sure to include definitions for each of the four steps.
- Include at least two example problems and how they can be solved using each step. You can use the problems you have written in your activity guides.

💭 Plenary
You saw a lot of different types of problems today, but they all used our Problem Solving Process.
For each step of the process, think of one general tip that could be useful no matter what problem someone is trying to solve.
💭 Question of the Day
What are some common steps we can use to solve many different types of problems?
In this lesson, you…
- Learn that when given a problem, how to identify individual actions that fall within each step of the problem solving process
- Identify useful strategies within each step of the problem solving process
Next lesson, you will…
- Apply the problem solving process to approach a variety of problems
- Assess how well-defined a problem is and use strategies to define the problem more precisely
🏅 Badge it
🥈 Silver Badge
- Upload your completed activity guide to www.bournetolearn.com.
🥇 Gold Badge
- Upload your problem solving process poster with a simple layout and some missing features.
🥉 Platinum Badge
- Upload your problem solving process poster with a complex layout with a full explanation of all four parts of the process and two example problems and their solution.